Landon Howell

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“If the plan is clear no meeting is needed”

Sweet Moses, I love this line — bold emphasis mine — from Bill Gates internal email on the iTunes Music Store.

However I think we need some plan to prove that even though Jobs has us a bit flat footed again we move quick and both match and do stuff better.

I’m sure people have a lot of thoughts on this. If the plan is clear no meeting is needed.

Gates, obviously concerned, was discussing how Microsoft would react to news of Apple’s launch of the iTunes Music Store and agreements with the major players that eventually resulted in a decade of music dominance.

As MG notes

Anyone in any industry can appreciate this message from a leader. If we’re working on it, let’s work on it and not waste time talking about working on it. The worst leaders allow time to be wasted.

Many (most?) leaders are “default meeting”, failing to even process their own thoughts prior to @-ing the leadership Slack channel, polling for a “good time for everyone to sync.”
