Abortion is healthcare

I’ve struggled with what to post over the past 48 hours.

It’s so easy to dunk on and rant against “the other side,” regardless of your side. That never moves anyone out of their position. The past two elections have reminded us of this.

Honestly, even the debate about “sides” is frustrating because so many on the anti-abortion side are *incredible* at supporting mothers through charity, the church, foster care, childcare, and adoption, doing so with genuine love, absent of any judgment or pity.

So many who are pro-choice have unending empathy and boundless love, traits that many conservative Christians seem to believe they have the monopoly on. Some of the people in my life who best embody Christ aren't Christians at all, and pretty much all of them are pro-choice.

The "two sides” overlap more than we realize.

But abortion is healthcare.

The more that statement upsets you, the more I encourage you to converse with qualified health professionals.

The more I’d ask you to read, watch, and explore more opinions, personal stories, and insight from “the other side.”

The more I’d encourage you to empathize and to question if your current state of empathy is simply judgment masquerading as empathy. (For years, I was the latter.)

The more I would challenge you to challenge your critical thinking skills.

If you ever need anything, our house is a safe haven, free of judgment. 



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