Two podcasts to understand the basics and the potential of NFTs

The heck is an NFT? I love this quote from Nava Ravikant:

An NFT is not really an object, a digital object. It is a pointer, it is a channel, it is a link, a communication between you, the creator, and the community, and any kind of value can be funneled down that. It can be access into things. It can be recognition and reputation. It can be royalties, it can be copyrights. It can be remix rights, or it could just be you are just sending them money because you want to support them.

So it’s completely programmable.

Two excellent podcasts I would recommend if you're looking to understand the basics and more importantly, the potential of NFTs.

My personal take: “Utility NFTs” will be the consumer experience that introduces a wide swath to the blockchain, but for now it’s fun to see folks buying Top Shots and Crypto Dunks.

If you want to read more, the Future blog (also from a16z) has NFT Canon. You’ll be reading and listening from now until next Christmas.


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