Landon Howell

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Content creation is an act of empathy

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I’ve struggled with written content creation in recent years. I used blog every day, often multiple times per day. Hank Green said something that hit home.

I’ve been familiar with Hank Green for years, but never consumed any of his content until TikTok’s magnificent algorithm slid his videos into my feed.

Hank was a guest on The Moment with Brian Koppelman and his quote about content creation resonated greatly.

“Content creation and education are both such tremendous acts of empathy, that you have to just like really — and it gets hard as I get older, I think —you have to so deeply understand where the consumer is at and put yourself in that place.”

The implication being that great content makes others feel understood, which is even more powerful when written content is shared on the Internet because anyone from anywhere can find your words at anytime.

Content scales one’s self.