Scare yourself

I don’t love most things Barstool, but Erika Nardini’s podcast is one recently added to my queue. There aren’t female leaders in business, and there aren’t enough business leaders who are willing to speak openly and unfiltered.

…what I loved most was the idea of things scaring you and that you learn how to be fearless by being scared.

So, the more you put your plate, the more you put yourself in positions where things are scary. And the more you put yourself into situations that are uncertain. The more you can learn, the more courage you develop, and the more fearless you can be.

When growing a startup, or any business for that matter, you have to keep in mind that any friction you experience becomes a part of a moat your company is creating. Things that are truly scary are things that you are required to deal with, but that you don’t have complete control over.

Regulation? Moat.
Unnecessary red tape? Moat.
Cease and desist letter from grumpy lawyer? Moooooooat.


You never want to compete with someone who is having fun


The problem with the term “ethnic food”