Peter Attia’s 4 Pillars of Exercise

  1. Stability

  2. Strength

  3. Aerobic Efficiency

  4. Anaerobic Performance

I pulled these from a June 2021 interview of Dr. Peter Attia on The Tim Ferris Show. The clip starts at the 20:12 mark. (Bold emphasis mine.)

Tim Ferriss: But all exercise is not created equal, I would imagine.

Peter Attia: Correct.

Tim Ferriss: For this purpose.

Peter Attia: Absolutely. And so, I think of exercise as having four pillars. And you have to be strong on each of those. So, if you’re strong in three, but not in one it’s sort of like a table that has three legs and not one. It’s still a reasonable table, but it’s not as strong as a table with four legs. And a table with two legs is pretty pathetic. And, obviously, a table with one leg is not a table.

So, the four pillars are stability, strength, aerobic efficiency, and anaerobic performance. And I think that most people understand loosely what three of those are.

Dr. Attia goes on to discuss the four in detail if you continue listening to the interview.


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