I don’t feature all of my posts, but sometimes I do. These are those. For others, just search below.
Yes, you can crowdfund and still build a successful company, but not a high-growth, venture-scale startup.
It must be completed and attached to the meeting invite before anyone accepts the meeting invite.
I wish someone had told me this when I built my first product.
Some would scoff and decry "hustle culture," but work-life balance looks different for everyone, depending on their values, priorities, and personal circumstances.
This framework ensures clear understanding, impact assessment, and proactive next steps.
"We need to make a few more changes!" No, you don't.
If you are fundraising or thinking about fundraising for your startup, you need to read this report.
Fundraising for your startup? There's seasonality in Venture Capital.
Riff helped me have critical conversations personally during my morning and evening commutes.
That’s the question Techstars Managing Director Katie Rae would ask us every week.
Spotlight market savvy, startup originality, and dynamic team synergy.
You are not required to have one as a startup, but it can be a difference-maker if you do.
Too many founders try to "build the car" when, in reality, their users would simply love a skateboard.
I have bad news: Your idea isn’t as unique you might think. I have good news: Ideas matter much less than the execution.
People are best at solving problems they experience, meaning that their first users are like them.
This uncomfortably narrow scope keeps you on a specific heading, enabling your learnings to compound.
8 books I recommend to startup founders and their teams for product building and product management.
Setting goals exclusively around KPIs like revenue or MQLs can lead to a narrow marketing strategy that may overlook long-term growth, innovation, and operational efficiency.
If you hit a brainstorming block, the solution is to do anything *but* brainstorm.
My (unpopular?) opinion on work in 2024 is that most career problems can be solved, and most career aspirations can be achieved by going to an office every day.