Build a brand that speaks clearly

Without knowing where I am, you know exactly where I am.

That's how well this company has built its brand.

If you're from Atlanta, Nashville, or Charlotte, your question for me is, "Which Switchyards is this?" and not "Are you at Switchyards?"

Brand is one of the few things that prevents a business from becoming a commodity. Switchyards has been incredibly intentional about building theirs, which is important because, in just 5 short years, there will be 200 of them (there are less than 20 now).

I've always loved this quote on brand from Seth Godin: "A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer's decision to choose one product or service over another."

I took this photo at one of the OG locations, Decatur.
It's packed. It's always packed.

These people could be in a coffee shop.
These people could be at a WeWork.
Hell... these people could be working from home.

All of those places have coffee and wifi, but Switchyards intentionally built a brand as a neighborhood work club at a time when nothing else offered what Switchyards offers.

Build a brand that speaks so clearly that it doesn't need an introduction.


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