Landon Howell

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Curiosity, Conviction, and Risk

Two things that jumped out to me in Jack Dorsey's email announcement that he'll be stepping down as CEO of Twitter.

  1. How he describes new Twitter CEO, Parag Agrawal: "He's curious, probing, rational, creative, demanding, self-aware, and humble." I love this as a description for any great leader, and I think most folks with experience at high-growth startups recognize the best CEOs have both curiosity and conviction.

  2. How Dorsey describes new Board Chair, Bret Taylor: "He understands entrepreneurship, taking risks, companies at massive scale, technology, product, and he's an engineer." Again, anyone with exposure to boards at a high-growth startup recognizes the need for aligned values. There are varying degrees to being "risk-averse", and in my experience, it is not always the case that each board member can stomach the risk that a CEO can, especially a CEO Founder.