Just jump in. You’ll swim.

Nine years ago today, we launched the Fancred homepage with our thesis.

We believed that in a connected world, the sports fan experience was broken as it related to finding community and showcasing fandom.

The four years of Fancred were a paradigm shift in my life. I cannot imagine not doing it.

The stress, the barriers, the New England snow, the sleeping on couches… all worth it.

Go create that thing you've wanted to create. Don't continue to plan, waiting for “the right time” to launch while claiming to be a perfectionist. Perfectionism is procrastination.

Just jump in.
You'll swim.
It's awesome.

Edit [May 21, 2022]: I think this tweet perfectly captures my thoughts above.

Written while drinking and watching…
🍺 Creature Comforts Automatic Pale Ale
📺 The Sopranos, season one


The value of writing in lists


Desperation-Induced Focus