Scattered convictions for December 2022

Convictions on my mind lately through interactions with my team, other founders, and other entrepreneurs.

  • For publicly traded companies in 2023, 'cutting costs' will be the new 'growing revenue.'

  • The biggest risk an entrepreneur can take is to stop being curious.

  • Things will never be the same again, again.

  • Process can become the enemy of velocity.

  • If we're not rolling back 20% of the time due to mistakes, you're not moving fast enough.

  • Creativity requires maintaining and controlling focus. Distractions are death because the muse moves on.

  • Entrepreneurs are driven by one or both: Making money. Making change. 

  • A waitlist is not proof of product market fit.

  • The irony of scale: It's the thing that creates great companies, and it is the thing that kills great companies.

  • I've never met a rich person who got rich quickly.

  • There's a certain type of person, a certain subset, for which Elon's Twitter will be very attractive. I don't know a lot of driven SF startup folks who haven't fallen asleep in the office. Hell, I know many who requested it, and I worked at one which kept a couple of air mattresses rolled up under a desk. (I just used the couch.)


Two essential books for those in marketing or growth


The formula for great copywriting