Too siloed a focus inhibits opportunity

When you are too siloed in your focus, you miss out on opportunities for personal and professional growth.

I recently found the following note in an Evernote file. It was written in late 2018.

For context, I’d just left Plastiq after two incredible, life-changing, rewarding, but incredibly draining years.

Those two years saw $40M+ raised, a doubling of headcount, the launch of a sales team, the launch of truly revolutionary features, and a pivot from Consumer to B2B.

Most weeks, I had time for work, family, and a quick burst of exercise, but I was thinking about work even in my free time.

You miss an opportunity to do the right things when you only focus on being successful on the role/task at hand.

  • You miss the opportunity to build your network.

  • You miss the opportunity to follow up with your network.

  • You miss the opportunity to travel.

  • You miss the opportunities to write.

  • You miss the opportunities to read.

  • You miss the opportunities to sit and think.

  • You miss the opportunities to work out.

  • You miss the opportunities to question if what you’re doing is actually working.

  • You miss the opportunities to question if what you’re doing is meaningful to you.

  • You miss the opportunities to wonder.

  • You miss the opportunities to see what else is out there.


Rumination vs. Introspection


I joined Atlanta Tech Village as an advisor