Seth Godin on what marketing is and isn’t

Great insight by Purple Cow author, Seth Godin, one of the best minds in marketing. Full interview here.

Most people don't understand marketing at all. They think marketing is hustle, or hype, or control, or stealing people's attention. It is none of those things.

Some people think marketing is advertising, which it used to be. And for 100 years, advertising and marketing were the same thing because if you bought enough ads, you would make enough money to buy more ads. The internet undid all of that.

Marketing is telling a true story that resonates with your smallest viable audience that they want to hear. That causes them to take action and to tell their friends.

So what people don't understand about the Purple Cow is it's not about a gimmick, or hype, or doing something different. It's about giving the people you serve something that they want to talk about. If they think it's remarkable, if they make a remark, then it's remarkable. If you think it is, who cares? So, if you don't mind, I want.


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